East Iceland Regional Plan 2022-2044

The joint vision of Fjarðabyggð, Fljótsdalshreppur, Múlaþing and Vopnafjarðarhreppur (the four municipalities in East Iceland, for the region until the year 2044.


Latest project updates

The purpose of the East Iceland Regional Plan is to align the municipalities’ strategies in the fields of environment, economy, society, and culture, thereby ensuring sustainable development for the benefit of future generations.

Good habitats

East Iceland will continue to be a good place to live. The environment, both built and natural, will be healthy, eco-friendly, and safe. East Iceland will be a great place to live and an attractive destination.


Opportunities for Growth

East Iceland will strengthen as a region of opportunities, where a thriving economy sustainably utilizes the resources of East Iceland in harmony with the community. Innovation, knowledge, and research will increasingly form the foundation for job creation and progress.


Strong Community

East Iceland will be a cohesive and diverse community where people have the opportunity to and develop their knowledge, enjoy secure health services, and a health-promoting environment.


Like an Adventure

East Iceland will continue to be like an adventure. A vibrant cultural life and good conditions for various sports and outdoor activities will make the region an exciting place to live, work, and visit.



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Frequently asked questions

Here you can find frequently asked questions about the Eastern Regional Planning and answers to them.