About the Regional Plan

The regional plan marks the joint future vision of Fjarðabyggð, Fljótsdalshrepp, Múlaþing and Vopnafjarðarhrepp for the region. The purpose is to synchronize the policies of the municipalities in the field of environment, economy, society and culture and thereby ensure sustainable development, for the benefit of future generations. The regional plan is a long-term strategic plan that will be implemented through the zoning plans of each municipality and other programs of SSA.

1.1 Role and Tasks

The goal of the municipalities in East Iceland is to make the region increasingly desirable for living, working, and traveling. The East Iceland Regional Plan aims to support this goal by aligning the municipalities’ policies in the areas of environment, economy, society, and culture. Efforts are made to integrate these four areas to ensure sustainable development for the benefit of current and future generations.


1.2 Connection to Other Plans

The Regional Plan is a long-term strategic plan that will be implemented through each municipality’s planning strategies.


1.3 Structure of the Regional Plan

The Regional Plan contains eight chapters, maps, and diagrams, photographs, and references to various supplementary materials and information.


1.4 Development of the Regional Plan

The Regional Planning Committee, consisting of two representatives from each municipality in East Iceland and one representative from the East Iceland Tourism Association, has overseen the development of the Regional Plan. Austurbrú has managed the project on behalf of the SSA.


Approval and Implementation

At the East Iceland Regional Planning Committee meeting on September 2, 2022, it was decided to send the final draft of the East Iceland Regional Plan 2022-2044 for final approval by the four municipalities in East Iceland, in accordance with Article 25, Paragraph 2 of the Planning Act No. 123/2010. 

The Regional Plan took effect once it was approved by the municipal councils, confirmed by the National Planning Agency, and published in the B-section of the Government Gazette, in accordance with Article 25, Paragraph 4 of the Planning Act No. 123/2010. 

Regional Planning Commission


Arngrímur Viðar Ásgeirsson
Þorsteinn Kristjánsson, vice chairman

Hákon Hansson
Sif Hauksdóttir

Andrés Skúlason, vice chairman
Sævar Þór Halldórsson

Eydís Ásbjörnsdóttir
Páll Björgvin Guðmundsson

Árni Kristinsson
Guðrún Ragna Einarsdóttir

Gunnþórunn Ingólfsdóttir, chairman
Lárus Heiðarsson

Halla Dröfn Þorsteinsdóttir
Óla Björg Magnúsdóttir

Eyjólfur Sigurðsson
Ólafur Áki Ragnarsson

Díana Mjöll Sveinsdóttir


Eyþór Stefánsson
Þorsteinn Kristjánsson

Andrés Skúlason, vice chairman
Kári Snær Valtingojer

Eydís Ásbjörnsdóttir
Gunnar Jónsson

Árni Kristinsson
Freyr Ævarsson

Gunnþórunn Ingólfsdóttir, chairman
Lárus Heiðarsson

Bjarki Borgþórsson
Halla Dröfn Þorsteinsdóttir

Axel Örn Sveinbjörnsson
Sigríður Bragadóttir

Díana Mjöll Sveinsdóttir


Eydís Ásbjörnsdóttir, vice chairman
Valur Sveinsson

Gunnþórunn Ingólfsdóttir
Lárus Heiðarsson

María Markúsdóttir
Stefán Bogi Sveinsson, chairman

Axel Örn Sveinbjörnsson
Sara Elísabet Svansdóttir

Díana Mjöll Sveinsdóttir

Others who have participated in the committee’s work 2016-2022

Berglind Häsler
Björn H. Sigurbjörnsson
Esther Kjartansdóttir
Gunnar Jónsson
Hugrún Hjálmarsdóttir
Ívar Dan Árnason
Jónína Brynjólfsdóttir
Kjartan Róbertsson
María Hjálmarsdóttir
Pálína Margeirsdóttir
Skúli Vignisson
Teitur Helgason
Vilhjálmur Jónsson
Vífill Björnsson

Approval and Implementation

At the East Iceland Regional Planning Committee meeting on September 2, 2022, it was decided to send the final draft of the East Iceland Regional Plan 2022-2044 for final approval by the four municipalities in East Iceland, in accordance with Article 25, Paragraph 2 of the Planning Act No. 123/2010.

The Regional Plan took effect once it was approved by the municipal councils, confirmed by the National Planning Agency, and published in the B-section of the Government Gazette, in accordance with Article 25, Paragraph 4 of the Planning Act No. 123/2010.


Parliament and Ministries 

  • Members of Parliament from the Northeast Constituency
  • Prime Minister’s Office
  •  Ministry of Justice
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour Market
  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs
  • Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
  • Ministry of Health
  • Ministry of Infrastructure
  • Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs
  • Ministry of Education and Children’s Affairs
  • Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate
  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs 

Adjacent Municipalities 

  •  Hornafjörður Municipality 
  •  Skútustaðahreppur Municipality 
  •  Norðurþing Municipality 
  •  Svalbarðshreppur Municipality 
  •  Langanesbyggð Municipality 
  •  Southern Iceland Municipal Association (SASS) 
  •  Northeast Iceland Municipal Association and Employment Development (SSNE) 


  • Afl – Union of Industrial Workers 
  • Public Servants’ Association in East Iceland 
  • Management Association of East Iceland 
  • Austurbrú 
  • Farmers’ Association of East Iceland 
  • Icelandic Regional Development Institute 
  • Icelandic Farmers’ Association 
  • East Iceland Tourism Association 
  • Fjarðamenn Hiking Association 
  • Fljótsdalshérað Hiking Association 
  • Vopnafjörður Progress and Travel Association 
  • Djúpavogur Hiking Association 
  • Borgarfjörður eystra Tourism Group 
  • East Iceland Forest Owners’ Association 
  • Seyðisfjörður Hiking Club 
  • South Fjords Hiking Association 
  • Icelandic Tourist Board 
  • Telecommunications Agency 
  • Multicultural Center 
  • Mental Health Support 
  • Hallormsstaðaskóli school 
  •  Marine Research Institute 
  • East Iceland Health Inspectorate 
  • East Iceland Health Institution 
  • Horsemen’s Association Blær 
  • Horsemen’s Association Freyfaxi 
  • Horsemen’s Association Geisli 
  • Horsemen’s Association Glófaxi 
  • East Iceland County Archive 
  • Promote Iceland 
  • National Land Survey of Iceland  
  • Soil Conservation Service 
  • National Association of Fishing Rights 
  • Landsnet Engergy Transmission Office 
  • National Power Company Landsvirkjun 
  • East Iceland Police 
  • LungA School 
  • Matís – food research  
  • Food and Veterinary Authority 
  • Egilsstaðir Upper Secondary School 
  • East Iceland Museum 
  • East Iceland Heritage Officer 
  • Icelandic Heritage Agency 
  • Icelandic Institute of Natural History 
  • East Iceland Nature Research Center 
  • East Iceland Nature Conservation Association 
  • National Energy Authority 
  • University of Iceland Research Centers in Breiðdalsvík and Egilsstaðir 
  • Rarik – Iceland State Electricity 
  • Red Cross in Fjarðabyggð 
  • Red Cross in Múlasýsla 
  • Red Cross in Djúpavogur 
  • National Association for Intellectual Disabilities 
  • Samál – Association of Icelandic Aluminium Producers 
  • Icelandic Association of Local Authorities 
  • Transportation Agency 
  • Confederation of Icelandic Enterprise 
  • Federation of Icelandic Fishing Vessel Owners 
  • Icelandic Travel Industry Association 
  • Federation of Icelandic Industries 
  • Icelandic Financial Services Association 
  • Icelandic Federation of Trade and Services 
  • Icelandic Association of Energy and Utilities 
  • Icelandic Forest Service 
  • East Iceland Forestry Association 
  • Icelandic Forestry Association 
  • SSA Board 
  • District Commissioner in East Iceland 
  • East Iceland Youth Association (UÍA) 
  • Environment Agency of Iceland 
  • East Iceland Fishing Vessel owners’ Association 
  • Small Boat Owners’ Association in East Iceland 
  • Vatnajökull National Park 
  • Icelandic Meteorological Office 
  • Icelandic Fishing Rights Association 
  • Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration 
  • East Iceland Vocational School 
  • Directorate of Labour