A Strong Community

In East Iceland, there will be a cohesive and diverse community where people have the opportunity to utilize and develop their knowledge, enjoy secure healthcare services, and live in a health-promoting environment. The municipalities in East Iceland aim to achieve this by working towards shared goals that fall under:

5.1 Cooperation and Diversity
5.2 Knowledge and Innovation
5.3 Security and Health

The objectives aim for East Iceland to be:

A region where municipalities, businesses, and residents unite to build a diverse and robust community.

A region characterized by extensive knowledge, creative thinking, and growing innovation across all areas of society.

A region where residents have good access to basic services, health-promoting opportunities, and excellent healthcare services.

5.1 Cooperation and Diversity

East Iceland will be an open and broad-minded society where multiculturalism will flourish. Emphasis will continue on cooperation between municipalities and consultation within them. The population of East Iceland will increase, achieving balance in age composition and gender distribution within the community.

The objectives of this section are:

P. Samvinna sveitarfélaga og samfélagsins
R. Fjölbreytni og fjölmenning


5.2 Knowledge and Innovation

East Iceland will strengthen as a knowledge and innovation community, with increased access to capital for East Icelandic startups. Opportunities for education at all levels will increase, and the activities of educational institutions in the region will be characterized by creative thinking, curiosity, and a willingness to innovate.

The objectives of this section are:

S. Education and Innovation
T. Innovation Environment


5.3 Basic Services and Health

Healthcare services and other basic services in the region will be robust and progressive. Digital solutions will be employed to solve tasks, and the physical and mental health of residents will be a priority in East Iceland.

The objectives of this section are:

U. Basic Services
Ú. Health Promotion
