Here you can find frequently asked questions about the Eastern Regional Planning and answers to them.
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What is the Regional Plan for East Iceland?
The goal of municipalities in East Iceland is for the region to become increasingly attractive for living, working, and traveling. The Regional Plan for East Iceland aims to support this goal by aligning the strategies of the municipalities in the fields of environment, economy, society, and culture. See section 1.1.
Who created it?
The formation of the vision found in the regional plan was undertaken by the regional planning committee of the Association of Municipalities in East Iceland (SSA). The committee included two representatives from each municipality in East Iceland and one representative from the East Iceland Tourism Association. Austurbrú managed the project on behalf of the SSA and was assisted by the consulting firm Alta. See section 1.4 for more details.
Why does it matter?
The regional plan addresses the main challenges the region will face in the near future. These challenges include dealing with climate change through sustainable resource use, strengthening human resources and promoting innovation, enhancing cooperation among municipalities, residents, businesses, and community institutions, and promoting demographic balance and good health for residents. The purpose of the regional plan is to ensure the sustainable development of the community in East Iceland for the benefit of future generations. See section 2.0 for more details.
How will it be implemented?
The regional plan will be implemented through the planning and action plans of each municipality and their supporting institutions. However, the achievement of the plan’s goals is the responsibility of the entire community, and municipalities, associations, businesses, organizations, and institutions in the region will work closely together to implement it. See section 7.1 for more details.